Youth Lacrosse for Girls K-8th Grade
Ahwatukee Lacrosse caters to all levels of play and provides an experience that is more than rec-level but with less commitment and cost than a travel team.
The best Spring Season ever is here!
Spring Season is a great season to try out the sport. Our coaches are experienced enough to help brand new players and take the experienced players to another level.
Best suited for ages 5yr+.
Register Here for the Spring Season
Season Details:
Starts 1/22, ends 4/5
First Practice 1/22
Continues Monday and Wednesdays
8yrs old and under (8U) 6-7p
10yrs, 12yrs, 14yrs old and under (10U, 12U and 14U) 6-730p
Additional practices, activities and clinics will be announced during the season.
First Game 2/8
Last Game 4/5
Games are Saturday morning mostly from 8a-2p
Practices are at Pecos Park on Field 7 Northeast corner near dog parks
Games are around the East Valley
Scholarships are available for registration, equipment, etc. Our mission is for all girls to have an opportunity to try lacrosse without money being a barrier. Please reach out to our club through email if you would like more information.
Tell your family, your friends and everyone you know!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ahwatukeeladieslax/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahwatukee.ladieslax/

Located in Ahwatukee
Phoenix, ArizonaÂ
Have a Question, Send Us an Email:

Thank you to our generous sponsor, S+G Wealth Partners!
Interested in sponsoring ladies youth lacrosse ? Send our team an email for more information. Sponsors help to fund registration scholorships, purchase equipment and help to offset league fees.